106 research outputs found

    Meeting public health objectives and supporting the resumption of tourist activity through COVID-19: a triangular perspective

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    This work was supported by FEDER/Junta de AndalucAa-ConsejerAa de TransformaciA3n EconA3mica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades [grant number Project CV20-09357].Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) implemented during the COVID- 19 pandemic (and previous health crises) have included measures to restrict interaction between people and minimize non-essential mobility. Therefore, tourism travel is one of the main areas affected by the restrictions. Even when the majority of the population is vaccinated, some risk of infection will remain, and governments are obliged to consider NPI measures that balance the health risk of outbreaks against the economic and social benefits of resuming tourist activity. This study analyzes the effect of each of four categories of NPIs (Social Distancing; Public Healthcare-System Improvements; Tourist Controls; and Capacity and Opening-Hours Regulation) on three major objectives (the resumption of tourism activity; tourist travel intention; and the minimization of public health risk), taking a triangular perspective (destination managers, domestic tourists, and public healthcare managers, respectively). While it is difficult to fulfil public healthcare objectives while simultaneously responding to the economic interests of tourism-industry stakeholders, the study finds that, under vaccinatedpopulation conditions, tourist controls (e.g. COVID Certificate) alongside improvements to the public healthcare system (e.g. adequate resourcing and an efficient epidemiological monitoring system) could constitute a viable combination of measures.FEDER/Junta de AndalucAa-ConsejerAa de TransformaciA3n EconA3mica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades CV20-0935

    Influence of the initiative “New7Wonders” on image and intention to visit the city

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    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.The publication was co-funded by Culture programme of the European Union as a part of Campus Culturae project (grant No. 2011-1177/001-001)

    Determinants of the Likelihood of Tourist Spending in Cultural Micro-Destinations: Type, Timing, and Distance of the Activity as Predictors

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    Although tourism expenditure has long been a pertinent topic in studies dealing with cultural tourism, its importance in recent years has become even more marked due to the consequences of low-cost tourism that many destinations are suffering. This need has been further aggravated by the impact of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Now, the only sustainable means of increasing destination revenue is to generate greater financial profitability of tourism-related activities, as opposed to increasing tourist volumes. The present study analyzes the determinants of the likelihood of tourist spending in an urbancultural destination whose economic sustainability is being threatened by low-cost tourism. To this end, all the tourism activities of the sample (672 in total) were recorded in real time during the stay via a purpose-designed mobile application. Given the nested structure of the sample, multilevel modeling was used: the characteristics of the different tourism activities were used as predictor variables, while characteristics of the tourist were used as control variables. Regarding the former, the results suggest that spending is more likely at the beginning of the stay and in relation to non-cultural tourism activities (restaurants, shopping, transport, etc.). An interaction effect between activity location and timing (beginning vs. end of stay) was also demonstrated: at the beginning of the stay, the greater likelihood of spending was related to services or attractions outside the city center; and, toward the end, spending patterns become more static, based close to the city center. The aim is to explain the probability of tourist expenditure at each spending opportunity, thus contributing to the current knowledge of total tourist spending. Knowledge of tourist expenditure patterns is a prerequisite for raising profitability-per-tourist when increasing visitor volumes is not an option.State Research Agency PID2019-110941RB-I00/SRAJunta de Andalucia B-SEJ-381-UGR18European Commission B-SEJ-381-UGR1

    Experience moderation effect on the relationship between usefulness, ease of use and website acceptance

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    The modelling of acceptance behaviour of new information technologies is of great utility to managers who need to evaluate the probability of success in the introduction of these technologies. The present study empirically tests the capacity of Fishbein and Ajzen´s Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (1975) and Davis´s Technology Ac-ceptance Model (TAM) (1989) to help understand the determinants of the intention to revisit a website – ease of use and perceived usefulness – focusing on the experience moderation effect. The findings show that a combination of both theories explains the acceptance of a website by Internet users. Furthermore, within the effect of each of the elements of TAM, the user’s experience of the website plays a moderating role. In this regard, ease of use is a more important factor in determining a furure revisit to a website in the case of the less experienced users, while perceived usefulness is a more influential factor in the case of the high experience users

    Experience with the use of Rituximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in a tertiary Hospital in Spain: RITAR study

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    There is evidence supporting that there are no relevant clinical differences between dosing rituximab 1000 mg or 2000 mg per cycle in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in clinical trials, and low-dose cycles seem to have a better safety profile. Our objective was to describe the pattern of use of rituximab in real-life practice conditions. Methods: Rituximab for RA in clinical practice (RITAR) study is a retrospective cohort study from 2005 to 2015. Eligibility criteria were RA adults treated with rituximab for active articular disease. Response duration was the main outcome defined as months elapsed from the date of rituximab first infusion to the date of flare. A multivariable analysis was performed to determine the variables associated with response duration. Results: A total of 114 patients and 409 cycles were described, 93.0% seropositive and 80.7% women. Rituximab was mainly used as second-line biological therapy. On demand retreatment was used in 94.6% of cases versus fixed 6 months retreatment in 5.4%. Median response duration to on demand rituximab cycles was 10 months (interquartile range, 7–13). Multivariable analysis showed that age older than 65 years, number of rituximab cycles, seropositivity, and first- or second-line therapy were associated with longer response duration. The dose administered at each cycle was not significantly associated with response duration. Conclusions: Our experience suggests that 1000 mg rituximab single infusion on demand is a reasonable schedule for long-term treatment of those patients with good response after the first cycles, especially in seropositive patients and when it is applied as a first- or second-line biological therap

    The effect of online and offline experiential marketing on brand equity in the hotel sector

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    Propose - This paper aims to measure the relationship between online experiential marketing (during the purchasing process involving information search and booking) and offline experiential marketing (during the stay) with hotel brand equity. In addition, the study attempts to determine if there is a significant link between the online hotel experience and the subsequent offline hotel stay experience. Desing/methodology/approach - A self-report survey was conducted in a series of four-star hotels in Granada city. The questionnaire was focused on measuring online experience, offline experience and brand equity. For the analysis of the data, a structural equations model was developed. Findings - The results suggest that the experience during the hotel stay, contrary to that of the online purchase process, has an influence on hotel brand equity. Nonetheless, the online experience has a significant impact on the hotel stay experience. Findings - The results suggest that the experience during the hotel stay, contrary to that of the online purchase process, has an influence on hotel brand equity. Nonetheless, the online experience has a significant impact on the hotel stay experience. Practical implications - This study is of particular utility for hotel management given that, although it is a sector that for several years has integrated experiential marketing in its service strategy, there is little research analyzing the impact of such actions on the variables that are of interest to the hotel. Originality/value - There are no hotel sector studies that have jointly analyzed the role of the online and offline tourist experience and its role in contributing to brand equity. Recognizing the previous notions will allow hotels to identify where to focus marketing efforts so as to increase brand equity

    Analysis of the dispersion of tourist spending in overexploited destinations using new technologies: the case of Granada, Spain

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    El propósito de este trabajo es el estudio de la dispersión geográfica del gasto realizado por los turistas domésticos en un microdestino cultural como es la ciudad de Granada, España. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de regresión de clases latentes para tratar de identificar los factores que afectan a dicha dispersión. Dichos gastos fueron representados en diferentes mapas de calor para poder observar las zonas sobreexplotadas de la ciudad. Respecto a los resultados, se identificaron dos segmentos los cuales difieren en cuanto a la dispersión del gasto, con base en su edad y visitas previas al destino. La elevada presión turística de este tipo de destinos está comenzando a ser un grave problema para los mismos, por ello esta investigación trata de aportar conclusiones relevantes en cuanto a la gestión de dichas aglomeraciones, así como para la identificación de localizaciones de interés, las cuales procuren una correcta instalación de los servicios turísticos.The aim of this research is to analyse the geographical distribution of the spending made by domestic tourists in an eminently cultural destination, the City of Granada, Spain. To do this we have conducted a latent class regression analysis. We have attempted to identify those factors that affect the geographical distribution of tourist expenditure. This was achieved through observing a heat map representation. Two clusters were identified in the regression results, where significant differences in terms of expenditure distribution by age and previous visits were observed. Overcrowding and profitability of tourism are two of the issues currently studied by the research. Therefore, we seek to manage both, improving route planning and the places of interest for the installation of tourist services

    Desarrollo de recursos digitales interactivos dirigidos a motivar al alumnado en su aprendizaje presencial o virtual en el fomento de la docencia práctica coordinada entre materias

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    El objetivo principal de este Proyecto de Innovación ha sido incentivar al alumnado a trabajar en un entorno virtual a través de la creación de recursos digitales interactivos dirigidos a motivar al alumnado en su aprendizaje práctico coordinado entre materias. Contribuyendo en la preparación del alumnado para su incorporación al mercado laboral actual donde las herramientas digitales son imprescindibles para el desempeño de las actividades empresariales

    The lp13.3 genomic region -rs599839- is associated with endothelial dysfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and high risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease. Since genome-wide association studies demonstrated association between rs599839 polymorphism and coronary artery disease, in the present study we assessed the potential association of this polymorphism with endothelial dysfunction, an early step in atherogenesis. Methods: A total of 128 RA patients without history of CV events were genotyped for rs599839 A/G polymorphism. The presence of endothelial dysfunction was assessed by brachial ultrasonography (brachial flow-mediated endothelium-dependent (FMD)). Results: Patients carrying the allele G exhibited more severe endothelial dysfunction (FMD%: 4.61 ± 3.94%) than those carrying the wild allele A (FMD%: 6.01 ± 5.15%) (P = 0.08). Adjustment for gender, age at the time of study, follow-up time and classic CV risk factors disclosed a significant association between the rs599839 polymorphism and FMD (G vs. A: P = 0.0062). Conclusions: Our results confirm an association of the rs599839 polymorphism with endothelial dysfunction in RA